



2024-07-20 01:37:58 来源:网络


用l can ( )和l cant't造句 -
I can't play football.
I can't fly.


ican'tfindmycap是什么意思 -
Does the house have two rooms?Yes,it does / No,it doesn't.这房子有两个房间吗?是的,有两个/ 不,它没有Is there any water in the glass?Yes,there is./ No,there isn't.杯子里有水吗?是的,有水/ 不,没有Can you swim?Yes,I can./ No,I can't.你能游泳吗?是的,等我继续说。
Ican’t remember when I started collecting litter -
Ican’t remember when I started collecting litter .我不记得当我开始收集垃圾。But it was when I got tired of seeing litter near my home and realized that no one else was going to pick it up .当我厌倦了看到垃圾在我家附近,意识到没有人会把它捡起来。I live close to a forest 等我继续说。
1、肯定句:IcanspeakEnglish.2、否定句:Ican'tspeakEnglish.3、一般疑问句:CanyouspeakEnglish 4、特殊疑问词:Whatcanyouspeak 5、can这个情态动词我们常见的有三种翻译,一个是能力,一个是允许,最后是要求。
用can't wait to do sth 造句 -
We couldn't wait to go home. 我们迫不及待地回家。They can't wait to see the new manager. 他们迫不及待地见到新经理。She can't wait to see her child. 她迫不及待地见到孩子。The old man can't wait to build a new house. 这位老人迫不及待地建一座新房子。
ican造句如下:1、Ican put you in touch with one or two advertising agents.我可以给你联系一两个广告经纪人。2、Certainly sir,and is there anything else ican do for you.当然了,先生呢感,请问还有什么我能为你效劳的呢?3、Calvin:i'm dead,ican't belive my parents could do this 希望你能满意。
ican'tstandit什么意思 -
1.They always use themselves as the center, I can't stand it.他们总是以自我为中心,我受不了它。2.I am not in the mood for being gentle and polite. If you can't stand it, it's your problem.我现在没有温文尔雅的情绪,如果你受不了是你的事。3.e. g. He's cutting 后面会介绍。
I'm tall enough. I can get that balloon from the tree.I'm too tall. I can't go through that channel